The chief mode of transportation in our world is now our golf cart. We can pretty much go everywhere in it, on the island. Which is to say just about everywhere. I can go to the grocery story (Publix. The bomb.), the pharmacy, the post office, the bank, the hair dresser, nail salon, all our club houses, bars, restaurants, and all 6 of our golf courses. Even my dentist.
We bought it last summer, after Doug spent a few months deciding what he wanted. He was more excited about this vehicle than just about any car he's ever owned. He picked his wheel tires and battery and whatever fancy stuff he wanted. It's electric; we plug it into an outlet set up in our garage. It's got a cooler and lights and a dash board with compartments. I got to pick the seat covering. Oh and I requested an over head fan and an outlet for my cell phone.

The day it was delivered and after we "registered" it with our association, we were given Sticker #1946, which thrilled Doug. It was the year he was born.
For holiday seasons most of our islanders "decorate" their cart. Flags on the 4th of July, Shamrocks for St. Pat's Day (which is a High Holy day in Savannah), Halloween. At Christmas there is a Golf Cart Parade which we entered with our design of Winter Wonderland. We wore a bit of what is left from our Steamboat winters and attached antique wooden skies and polls to the cart. It was 65 degrees.

When galpal Susan Ascher came to play in our Member Guest golf tournament, she and I "dressed" the theme of Breakfast at Tiffany's and decorated the cart to match.

We use the cart to go to parties at others homes, often bringing an appetizer.

We take the cart for Sunset Watching parties.

Golf Cart Drive in Movies, and just about any event on the island. They take up a lot less space, is easy to get in an out of tight spaces.

Golf Cart Race day, where with a map and our GPS cell phones we had to navigate the island finding clues. This all day scavenger hunt that commenced with a cocktail/dinner party at one of our marinas. Any excuse for a party, and to spend the day in your cart.

The carts go a maximum of 22 miles per hour and the island has miles and miles of Cart Paths that give drivers easy access to anything and everything. Best of all, our friends all have them too. So every day we wave hello to friends, grateful for life on Fantasy Island.